
Rob Savoury

Creator of SavOS, a modern inline upgrade for Ubuntu-based Linux systems.

savoury1 님은 5 명으로부터 매주 US$6.83 만큼을 받고 있습니다. 목표: US$150.00
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SavOS is a modern inline upgrade for Ubuntu-based systems, bringing notably newer software to the past 7+ years of Ubuntu-based releases. For a brief background on the birth of this project see “SavOS project 3 year milestones: 20,000 uploads and 20,000 users” published on 17 August 2022, which was the 3 year anniversary of work beginning.

Having on average worked half-time on this project for now 3.5 years (it has been my main “day job” since late 2019) it has certainly been a huge effort. For the project to continue does require donations to support the work, as I have to eat and pay my bills just like anyone else.

Prior to March 2023 the donation support was unfortunately very minimal, with only 75 people from the thousands using my work actually contributing directly. This needed to change for the project to survive longer term, which is why a transition to “subscriber only” for certain popular software was initiated on 23rd March 2023.

Given the great usefulness of the project to however many thousands of people and however many businesses as well (many making profit that at least partly depends upon my work) it is only fair that a basic income be generated for me. This in exchange for up-to-date software being provided to all those users of now 7+ years of Ubuntu LTS releases.

If you are using any of the SavOS PPAs (meaning any PPAs with address ppa:savoury1/*) and if you are financially able to contribute then please do so. It will help me to survive and help the project to continue. Thank you!

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