

control freak studio audio and music. in solidarity, empathy, or justified anger, stomp together!

18 명이 control 님께 기부하고 있습니다.
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To donate for downloading my music and sound from other sources, or any other art/music/tech commissions and advising stuff, or for being the human maintaining RFF. Thanks so much!

radio free fedi

I maintain the tech, library, editing and community management for the consent, attribution and agency respecting 24/7 community radio of 100% music and sounds from the fediverse and fedizens. If you want your donation to be specifically for the infrastructure fund rather than the hamster, but prefer using this platform, do please message the station of that wish. Cheers. https://radiofreefedi.net

Music and media control freak studios - control.org - C2 - mindstalker - djco2

Maker of dark and organic sounds under various monikers in industrial, powernoise, synth, techno, house, noise, soundscape and adjacent styles. Original albums, EPs, remix and sound design.

Have converted most of 20 year back catalogue to digitally available free or donation and CC licensed with more to come. With Bandcamp union busting and being sold to DRM rights vulture lawyers, we'll delete it soon, but you can still grab for absolutely free there in protest. We have setup our own Faircamp where you can preview and download control freak studios faircamp ... the growing repository lives in multiple file formats at: https://mega.nz/#F!hFVmSaba!jaGJhzVq3rN6ced5L9pPdA

Feel free to drop some support here if you appreciate the catalogue and be on the bleeding edge for new release as we experiment with audio and visual and divest from as many exploitative platforms as possible. We have a string of release for end of '23 and for '24 we'd love some support toward finishing.

Making music for health and social conscious and you are welcome to come along for the ride. Reach out for any custom sound design, scoring, remix or collaboration requests...


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control님은 Liberapay를 통해 받는 금액을 공개하지 않습니다.

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