

zkonqu 님의 목표는 매주 US$500.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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is an experimental Docuseries and a printed zine that will be commemorating each series, this journey is dedicated to Abya-Yala and her peoples. To the indigenous heritage of the world. To all our relations.

From within an Indigenous experience of the world, it is always problematic to both claim authorship or to acknowledge the individual contributions of any persons in particular without excluding the help we receive on a quotidian basis from all our relations, human and non-human persons whose efforts enable us to fulfill even the simplest of our endeavors.

So, it is with this world view that we embark on our journey to once again be in relation as we take a vision raise the funds, salvage a sailboat and take it around the world, making connections and sharing our experiences. We welcome all to be part of this journey.

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