
Joshua Tang

Hey I'm Joshua, maintainer of Appainter, Telegram PDF Bot, and more.

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Hey 👋 I'm Joshua, a software engineer in Australia 🇦🇺

Below are some of the projects I've developed and maintain:

  • 🎨 Appainter - A material theme editor and generator for Flutter to configure and preview the overall visual theme of your material app.

  • 🤖 Telegram PDF Bot - A Telegram bot that can do a lot of things related to PDF files, such as converting text messages and webpages to PDF files, and merging multiple PDF files.

  • 📝 vscode-poetry - Python Poetry support for VS Code to manage Poetry commands.

I'm also constantly looking for opportunities to contribute to the open source community. Some of my contributions include helping to improve Renovate and python-telegram-bot.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing badminton 🏸 and bush walking 🚶.


zeshuaro 님은 10개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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