

Hosting privacy-friendly services for the benefit of the FOSS community and everyone else!

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I host popular privacy-friendly tools and services on my own servers at home, which are available on my personal website zerodya.net (and can be monitored here), mostly to learn new things and to give back to the amazing FOSS community.

Costs and time

I work behind the scenes to ensure that the services are always available to everyone, but this comes with costs. Having the servers running 24/7 comes with obvious high costs in electricity. Add that to the costs of a faster internet connection and new hardware for storage, etc., and it quickly adds up.

Not to mention all the work I do in my free time to constantly fix new issues, update and add new services, implement botting and DDoSing protections, and so on... to ensure that the services are always up-to-date and available to everyone without issues.

Some of my services

Here are a few services I host:

  • Piped - private Youtube frontend with no ads and SponsorBlock support
  • SearXNG - privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine
  • PrivateBin - online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data


I take requests, so please go ahead and contact me if you want to see a new service.

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