
Ralf Vogler

Support vogler's open source work 🙌

vogler 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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I'd like to spend more time on open source, but sadly it doesn't pay the bills. Please consider supporting! ❤️

Currently I spend most time on automating boring tasks in the browser. 😄

See https://github.com/vogler/repos for some overview of what I'm up to.

I especially like: - automating things in the browser - extracting my data from online services and doing statistics - functional programming and type systems - static analysis, verification - staying up to date on the latest trends in web development - personal knowledge management - the idea is some versioned document store with gradual typing - automating things in the home - tinkering with electronics and 3d printing - finding great tools and improve my development workflow

Thank you for your support!

다른 곳의 계정

vogler 님은 다른 플랫폼에서 다음 계정을 소유하고 있습니다:


free-games-claimer 2428 이 주에 업데이트됨

Automatically claims free games on the Epic Games Store, Amazon Prime Gaming and GOG.

smart-home 10 1주 전 에 업데이트됨

Smart home config (RPi, ESP, many sensors, node-red, influxdb, zigbee2mqtt)

dotfiles 5 1개월 전 에 업데이트됨

config/setup for macOS/Linux/Windows: zsh, vim, tmux, vscode; old: Arch, awesome

web-tech 0 9개월 전 에 업데이트됨

Evaluate libraries/frameworks/tools for web development.

repos 0 2년 전 에 업데이트됨

Overview/tree of my repositories


vogler 님은 9개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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