
Aliaksandr Belik

veslefrik 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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I’m the author and maintainer of several curated collections with focus on load testing, performance engineering and test automation.

If you'd like to say thanks, please feel free to buy me a coffee. ☕️

Thank you ♥ for your support!

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다른 곳의 계정

veslefrik 님은 다른 플랫폼에서 다음 계정을 소유하고 있습니다:


how-they-load 96 4개월 전 에 업데이트됨

A curated collection of publicly available resources on how companies around the world perform load testing

webperf-toolkit 2 4개월 전 에 업데이트됨

Collection of open source tools for web performance testing and optimization

awesome-gatling 68 4개월 전 에 업데이트됨

A collection of resources covering different aspects of Gatling load testing tool usage.

load-testing-toolkit 162 4개월 전 에 업데이트됨

Collection of open-source tools for debugging, benchmarking, load and stress testing your code or services.

awesome-jmeter 715 7개월 전 에 업데이트됨

A collection of resources covering different aspects of JMeter usage.

awesome-tsung 19 9개월 전 에 업데이트됨

A collection of resources covering all aspects of Tsung usage for load testing.

awesome-locust 87 9개월 전 에 업데이트됨

A collection of resources covering different aspects of Locust load testing tool usage.

jmeter-amqp-plugin (포크) 22 5개월 전 에 업데이트됨

A JMeter plugin to publish & consume messages from RabbitMQ or any AMQP message broker


veslefrik 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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