

Webmesh is a cross-platform simple, distributed, zero-configuration WireGuard™ Mesh Solution.

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Webmesh is a simple, distributed, and zero-configuration WireGuard™ mesh solution for Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, and Windows. It allows for easily creating a mesh network between multiple hosts, and provides a simple API for managing the network. It is designed to be easy to use, and to work well with existing network infrastructure. For a more detailed introduction and extended documentation, please see the project website.

Webmesh is not a VPN, but rather a mesh network. It is designed to be used in conjunction with existing network infrastructure, and not as a replacement for it. It is also not a replacement for WireGuard™, but rather a way to manage a WireGuard™ mesh network. Connections are made into the network via direct links, over ICE (WebRTC) connections, or over LibP2P circuit relays. It differs from other WireGuard™ management solutions in that:

  • It is designed to be distributed and extensible, relying on no single controller or database.
  • The network is malleable and topology is governed by the user, not the controller.
  • A plugin API is provided for adding additional functionality, such as a distributed database for storing the mesh state or additional authentication mechanisms.
  • An application API is also provided for interacting with the mesh network, and is used by the CLI and GUI applications.

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