
Thomas Wells (Dynamodal, Bldrweb)

Hosting platforms and tools to help build communities

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A Pathway to support the community-building tools and platforms hosted on bldrweb.org and possibly other open-source, community oriented projects in the future. Thus far, Bldrweb is only hosting a Mastodon instance, https://toot.bldrweb.org, but I would like to offer additional tools in the future (e.g. Nextcloud, lemmy, pixelfed, etc.)

A note on names:

  • Thomas Wells: that's me!
  • Bldrweb: the name of the project - just Mastodon for now, but hopefully more to come.
  • Dynamodal: my LLC which I'm using as the fiscal host for all expenses and income (if any) to support Bldrweb

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