
Thierry Marianne

I actively maintain revue-de-presse.org, therefore I am looking to cover some of my expenses.

thierrymarianne 님의 목표는 매주 €2.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Revue-de-presse.org serves press titles curated daily from official French Media Twitter accounts.

All development is delivered under free and open-source software licence.

📒 In the past, I've co-developed solutions in diverse domains like
- scientific conference proceedings publication 👩🏼‍🔬,
- e-commerce (PrestaShop) 💶,
- aviation safety 🛬,
- industrial procurement 🧑🏼‍🏭,
- travel industry 🛤
- software static analysis 🧪

다른 곳의 계정

thierrymarianne 님은 다른 플랫폼에서 다음 계정을 소유하고 있습니다:


attending-fosdem-2014 1 11년 전 에 업데이트됨

Article about FOSDEM 2014


thierrymarianne 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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