

Healing the world with weeds.

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It is my goal to help the world see that weeds are useful and healing plants. I am working to write a book describing the medicinal, culinary, and otherwise useful properties of plants that have been demonized and we have decided are "weeds". I also am making a tarot card deck along with the book, which will need its own booklet.

I continue to create healing salves, tinctures and herbal remedies, but I am venturing out into education as well. I am hoping to put together a Women's Retreat in which there will be both natural medicine and food preservation but also how to handle chores around the homestead that are usually thought of as being a 'man's' job. How women can safely use power tools and other such stuff - because it really can be different than how men do it.

Last but not least I am working on a series of educational webinars on the topic of 100 weeds we need and how to use them and how to do first aid without the use of pharmaceuticals, just plants and natural items.

I hope that this will afford me the opportunity to give back to my community in bigger ways. I would like to eventually start a natural healing "clinic" for low-income, homeless, and farm workers.


therustybumblebeeapothecary 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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