
Lucien S Thompson

Just an artist who wants to art more and starve less!

the_absurdatory 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 £0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Drawing, painting, reading, writing -- these are things that are essential to the world, just as they are essential to me. Without these media, we would have no critical lens through which to view the world. As such, I find it incredibly important to absorb and express as many perspectives as possible.

I, much like anyone else, need to survive. This is why I'm asking for donations to help support me and my work -- the world as a whole seems hostile to creativity, and I'm determined to fight back as hard as I can by showing you the inner workings of my mind.

Art is something that burns inside of me; if I were forced to give it up, it would destroy me, and if art left the world, the world would leave existence. So I want to find a way to make it work. Anything you give me will go towards materials, advertising, and potentially, a studio -- or at least, a space of my own where I can live and create. I'm just finding my feet in the world at the moment, so anything you give me helps.

A bit more about me -- I'm 23, I have ADHD, I studied physics, and I'm nonbinary. Finding my feet in the world is hard -- but the act of creativity makes it worthwhile. As Nietzsche said, "we make art in order not to die of the truth".

Find poems and ramblings here: https://impactparameter.wordpress.com/


the_absurdatory 님은 4년 전에 가입했습니다.

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