

teradev.ma 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Teradev is the company behind Wexstream. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, Teradev decided to create a free video conferencing platform focused on security and privacy. Teradev relies on donations to keep the platform running, to ensure its development, hosting and maintainance.

The project was developed using most recent and performant technologies. Wexstream is hosted in Teradev's own servers. Teradev ensures the maintenance of the platform icluding fixing bugs, databases maintenance, handling security and privacy, handling conflicts between users, applying the terms of use and handling all requests regarding the platform.

The hosting and maintenance of Wexstream costs to Teradev about $700/year. To keep Wexstream running, please consider making a donation to help develop, host and maintain the platform.

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