
Stowarzyszenie TePeWu / TePeWu Association

TePeWu Association. Mutual Aid Society against global collapse.

tepewu 님의 목표는 매주 €250.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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In the face of the unfolding planetary collapse, we stand together, strong in mutual help and care. These are our goals.

We are building TePeWu to be able to live and earn a living in a community focused on the common good, equal satisfaction of needs, self-governance and solidarity with other sentient beings.

We are building it for people who are willing to take it upon themselves to shape such a community, to shape themselves in its spirit and to help others, in solidarity, around TePeWu.

Our freedom-loving political and moral thinking tells us what to strive for and what to avoid, and our practical thinking tells us how to make it real it in in actual context.


tepewu 님은 4개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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