
Thomas Citharel

Working at Framasoft, developping wallabag and Nextcloud (among other things)

tcit 님은 2 명으로부터 매주 €0.26 만큼을 받고 있습니다. 목표: €10.00
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I'm the admin of the Mastodon instance https://social.tcit.fr, which is opened to all people willing to bring good things to this world. The server of Mastodon and it's backup costs me around 15€ monthly right now.

The expenses cover the servers and a tip to Gargron (developer of Mastodon) and a tip to the Liberapay team. You can find the monthly expanses reports on my blog.

If you want to help me maintain the instance, don't hesitate to leave me a small tip as a thank you.

I created the following software:

  • Pickweaver - a free/libre Storify alternative
  • Eventos - a free/libre decentralized alternative to Meetup and Facebook events, currently in development

Moreover, I'm part of the following projects:

  • wallabag - A free/libre Pocket or Instapaper alternative - Core team
  • Nextcloud - A free/libre Dropbox alternative - Calendar app maintainer and active contributor. I also created an app for users to delete their account
  • Framadate - A free/libre alternative to Doodle - Maintainer

A small tip motivates me to work on them.

Thanks to you all !

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