
Torsten Dreyer

FlightGear Infrastructure

t3r 님은 10 명으로부터 매주 €9.06 만큼을 받고 있습니다. 목표: €10.00
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I am collecting money to pay for the hosting and network costs of the FlightGear infrastructure, mainly the services provided by https://scenery.flightgear.org/ and http://mpmap03.flightgear.org/

FlightGear is an open-source flight simulator. It supports a variety of popular platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) and is developed by skilled volunteers from around the world. Source code for the entire project is available and licensed under the GNU General Public License.

The goal of the FlightGear project is to create a sophisticated and open flight simulator framework for use in research or academic environments, pilot training, as an industry engineering tool, for DIY-ers to pursue their favorite interesting flight simulation idea, and last but certainly not least as a fun, realistic, and challenging desktop flight simulator. We are developing a sophisticated, open simulation framework that can be expanded and improved upon by anyone interested in contributing.


t3r 님은 6년 전에 가입했습니다.

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