
Soraya Pepe

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About Me: Soraya Pepe 🍕

An Indonesian Girl. Currently working on a contract with a shift system (changing hours and positions) as: a Shop Waiter, a Cafe Resto Waiter, and Hotel Room Service at one of the local business owned by the entrepreneur (With a small salery).

I usually post in Indonesian Language, but i post here using english with the help of google translate. More about me in Bahasa Indonesia: Profile Soraya Pepe.

All money collected through this Liberapay page goes directly towards funding Soraya Forum Community Website's costs. Thank you for your donations!

foto soraya pepe

Booking Soraya Pepe

👉 Provide : 🍕🍩 Event Soraya Pepe.

👉 Service : 👙 ✄ Booking Soraya Pepe.

Soraya Pepe Website

👉 Soraya Blog Wanita

👉 Soraya Forum OK

Soraya Pepe on Social Media

👉 Twitter

👉 VK

👉 Tumblr

👉 Wordpress

👉 Pinterest

👉 Youtube

👉 Tiktok

👉 Instagram


soraya 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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