
Paul Abellana

Original religious songs

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I write original religious songs. I write the melody, lyrics, arrangements and do all the production works, except the singing part, of all my songs.

I am very grateful that God has given me the chance to contribute something that would accentuate His glory - words and music. Yes, He has given this gift to a lot of others, too, but we know that only very few offer Him back this same gift.

However, working on any of the components of a single song could easily eat up a whole regular work day. To get things done properly, I have to devote my working hours on them.

Another thing, despite all the gifts He has given me, God keeps my feet on the ground by reminding me that I need others, too: professional singers.

I need donors, or shall I say, "partners" so that I could continue producing songs for the world to enjoy and worship God by.


song_offerings 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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