
Pedagogical Group Skasiarheio

Freinet movenment in Greece member of FIMEM

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Freinet movenment in Greece member of FIMEM

“Skasiarheio” is a pedagogical team formed at 2014 by Greek pedagogists & artists of all kinds who try to make various alternative approaches to learning and teaching based mainly on the pedagogical techniques of Célestin Freinet and heavily also inspired by Paulo Freire & Janusz Korczak. Freinet movenment in Greece member of FIMEM and ICEM.

📍 https://skasiarxeio.wordpress.com 👍 https://www.facebook.com/skasiarxeio2014 🗯 https://www.fimem-freinet.org/en


skasiarxeio 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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