
Sergey G. Brester

Senior Engineer; Data Scientist; Information Security Auditor

sebres 님은 5 명으로부터 매주 €1.76 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hi there, I'm Sergey Brester aka sebres and I am senior engineer, data scientist and security auditor. My preferred langs are c, asm, c++, c#, tcl, python, ruby, but also js, php, scala, java, etc. If I get time to open source, the main contribution belongs to:

  • TCL and its libraries and modules, and some other languages;
  • Fail2Ban (where I'm also key developer at the moment);
  • nginx, its modules and bindings, but also many other open-source projects.

Thanks in advance for the sponsoring of my work!

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