
Sean Bray

Sports journalist and photographer

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I'm a progressive Canadian 🇨🇦, sports journalist ⚽️, photographer 📷, writer ✍️, teacher/trainer 👨‍🏫, IT consultant 🖥, and (sometimes) grumpy old man 👴 with a B.Sc. (biology) and a teaching certificate (Montessori specialty).

You can find my bio and online presences at https://seanbray.ca and https://bio.link/seanbray

My sports journalism, including photography and the occasional podcast and video, can be found at https://sportsguysean.substack.com/

I also blog about Glengarry County - Ontario, Canada, random things and ideas, and personal stuff, and I am even trying to write a book.

My videos are online at Vimeo and YouTube, and my podcasts are available on your favourite platform by searching iamseanbray or sportsguysean. This is the link to my channel on Apple Podcasts.

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