

reddthat is a link aggregator for a cosy experience

reddthat 님의 목표는 매주 AU$30.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Reddthat is a community focusing on sharing quality content and enjoying ourselves.

We use Lemmy under-the-hood which allows everyone to connect so we can have mini-communities on each "instance" but still integrate like we are one big community.

Our current funding goal is to be 100% community funded. If we manage to reach even close to there, we will notify everyone of the amazing success and start asking the community what we should do once we have some alternative funding.


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reddthat 님은 1년 전에 가입했습니다.

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이 페이지에는 아직 검토되지 않았으며 정확하지 않을 수 있는 기계 번역된 텍스트가 포함되어 있습니다. 번역에 기여할 수 있습니다.