

Let's create a nature inclusive food system and support our farmers in their transition

reNature.Foundation 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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We believe that nature and agriculture can cooperate instead of compete. We also believe that farmers and local communities across the globe deserves a long-term profitable future. That’s why we focus on Regenerative Agriculture.

What does that mean? An agricultural system that is designed to ensure farmers with: soil health, food security, economic growth and climate resilience. This system creates several benefits for farmers and communities, such as: increasing soil carbon, biodiversity, water storage and forests preservation. It fosters food security and sovereignty, next gen farmer motivation, rural development and women empowerment. On the economic side, it lowers external input costs, creates different income streams due to diversification and may, in some cases, even increase yields.

With your donation we set up model farms and model schools on all scales and all around the globe. Let's reNature.

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