
Paul McAuley

Unpaid open-source software development

paulmcauley 님은 1 명으로부터 매주 £0.08 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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I have spent many hours of my own time developing open-source software. Unlike some KDE software developers, I am not paid to do this, so all donations would help greatly for me to continue developing and maintaining software, including in KDE Plasma itself.

다른 곳의 계정

paulmcauley 님은 다른 플랫폼에서 다음 계정을 소유하고 있습니다:


Classik-Aurorae 2 3년 전 에 업데이트됨

Classik theme for KDE Plasma's Aurorae. Designed to be a refreshed version of the default KDE1 theme.

Kite-Aurorae 2 3년 전 에 업데이트됨

A branch of Classik-Aurorae theme for KDE Plasma, except with a kite-like restore button to float in the Breeze!

klassy (포크) 714 이 주에 업데이트됨

Klassy is a highly customizable binary Window Decoration, Application Style and Global Theme plugin for recent versions of the KDE Plasma desktop.

klassy-icons (포크) 6 6개월 전 에 업데이트됨

These are icon subsets for KDE Plasma designed to match the styles in the Klassy Window Decoration. They provide only the needed window decoration icons, and then inherit all other icons from Breeze icons.

kdecoration (포크) 1 3년 전 에 업데이트됨

Plugin-based library to create window decorations


paulmcauley 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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