

opensource_gaming is a twitch channel focusing on making libre games more known and loved by gamers

opensource_gaming 님의 목표는 매주 €20.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Hi there, Franzo here. I am am a musician, streamer and programmer who loves FOSS software.

I contributed to many opensource games in the past working on sound effects and soundtrack (Super Bombinhas, SuperTux Party, Librerama, Speed Dreams, Some minetest servers..)

And I streamed a lot of libre games on my twitch channel (https://twitch.tv/opensource_gaming) In almost 2 years of activity.

I am asking your support here today to improve the quality of my work and allow me to make libre gaming even better!

I'd also like starting to have multistreams across platform like Peertube and glimesh.TV (currently streaming only on Twitch and posting on mastodon and peertube) but I need a good vps to do that.

Please consider that I might donate part of this money to other Foss projects as well since this is what I am doing with the money I received from my twitch payments last time!

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