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Greetings, fellow Imperials, Blood Eagles, Diamond Swords, Phoenixes and Tribes enthusiasts! 🚀

Are you feeling the void left by the Tribes franchise?

Well, buckle up because we've got some exciting news for you!

In the wake of Tribes: Rivals and the uncertainty surrounding the franchise, many of us have felt the urge to take matters into our own hands.

We've seen projects like Midair2, and while they're perfectly laudable (we love you guys), we're looking to blaze our own trail within the open source community so that anyone can use, modify, distribute, study, improve and contribute freely under the GPLv3 license. 🍻

Introducing our latest initiative: « open-fpsz » a truly open-source game developed with Godot, reverently nodding to the roots of Starsiege: Tribes while drawing inspiration from its rich legacy. Picture fast-paced skiing, thrilling jetpack moves and epic battles across vast landscapes.

And here's the twist – this isn't just about creating a game. It's about fostering a community-driven journey that captures the essence of what Tribes stands for. We're already diving into mapping, modding support, vehicles, and a whole lot more, all shaped by the insights of dedicated gamers.

We're currently assembling our team, and we need your help! Whether you're an experienced developer, a meticulous mapper, a talented graphic designer, a sound engineering expert, or just brimming with creative ideas, there's a role waiting for you here.

🔗 Join us on our mission to free the fps-z genre! https://discord.gg/tdmV3MxCn5

This is a passion project through and through, driven by our love of the genre and our desire to see it flourish. Our aim is not to make any profit, but to spark again the enthusiasm that once united the Tribes community.

Anyone, at any point, can freely download the latest release and play the singleplayer or multiplayer demo by hosting or joining a match.

So, if you're ready to be part of a unique endeavor and eager to shape the future of the fps-z genre, then hop on board! Head over to our discord, share ideas, contribute skills and let's work together to make this dream a reality.

Together, let's leave an indelible mark on the fpsz universe! 🎮✨


open-fpsz 님은 2개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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