
Piotr Miller

nwg-shell - GTK3-based shell for sway and Hyprland Wayland compositors

nwg 님은 2 명으로부터 매주 €4.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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nwg-shell is a GTK3-based shell for sway and Hyprland Wayland compositors. The project provides a common configuration tool (nwg-shell-config) that allows you to configure the system in a graphical UI, and a range of components such as nwg-panel (system panel), nwg-drawer (application launcher), nwg-dock (system dock), nwg-menu (XDG-style menu) or nwg-bar (customizable button bar). It also includes several native tools as nwg-look (look and feel GTK settings editor), nwg-displays (display configuration tool), Azote (wallpaper manager), nwg-clipman (clipboard history manager), nwg-icon-picker (icon browser with textual search), nwg-readme-browser (documentation viewer) and nwg-hello (login manager). Scripts and utilities such as autotiling (script for sway to automatically switch the horizontal / vertical window split orientation) and gospuinfo (a command to display system usage info) are used in the background. The shell also utilizes third party software as swaync (notification center), gtklock / swaylock (screen lockers) and more. The nwg-shell package itself acts as a metapackage and installer of default configuration files.

Learn more about nwg-shell on the project website.

Funds collected from sponsors will support the purchase of hardware necessary for the programmer's work.

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