
Nick Craig-Wood

Donations for the rclone project

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Rclone is a command line tool to manage files on cloud storage. It is a feature rich alternative to cloud vendor's web storage interfaces. Over 40 cloud storage products are supported by rclone including S3 object stores, business & consumer file storage services, as well as standard transfer protocols.

Rclone is a powerful tool being the cloud storage equivalent to the unix commands rsync, cp, mv, mount, ls, ncdu, tree, rm, and cat. Rclone's familiar syntax includes shell pipeline support, and --dry-run protection. It can be used at the command line, in scripts or via its API.


Donations help us continue to develop rclone as free open source software.

Maintaining rclone is a lot of work - easily a full time job for me. Nothing stands still in the world of cloud storage! We love doing the work and we'd like to spend more time doing it - your support helps make that possible.

Nick Craig-Wood

Personal users

If you are a personal user and you would like to support the project with sponsorship as a way of saying thank you then that would be most appreciated

Business users

If your business distributes rclone as part of its products (which the generous MIT licence allows) or uses it internally then it would make business sense to sponsor the rclone project to ensure that the project you rely on stays healthy and well maintained.

If you run one of the cloud storage providers that rclone supports and rclone is driving revenue your way then you know it makes sense to sponsor the project.

is a pure open source for love-not-money project. However I’ve had requests for a donation page and coding rclone does take me away from something else I love - my wonderful wife.

So if you would like to send a donation, I will use it to buy flowers (and other pretty things) for her which will make her very happy.

Thank you


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