

HTML preprocessor

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I'm working in a project to create a HTML preprocessor that have built in some tags that make the markup more legible. For example, the tag P: In raw HTML you have to write hello there.

Yes. It's has been like this for millions of years and works fine. But.

What you think about this:

paragraph This tags are called feature tags in htmlpp. HTMLPP is the name of the project, but it will change once we have a stable product. /paragraph

That's it. The concept remains the same with the standard tags. But we are adding those feature tags to make it more semantically awesome.

Ah, and we have variables! You can use variables on html. It's very cool. You should check it out.


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htmlpp 3 2년 전 에 업데이트됨

Modern way to write html. The concept remains the same, but without the "< > </>". It's like Sass, but different.


mopires 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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