
Mikolaj Wielgus

I develop forum-dl

mikolaj 님의 목표는 매주 PLN1,000.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Hi, I'm Mikolaj. I work full-time on open-source software and would like to make this sustaintable.

I'm currently working on forum-dl, a downloader for forums, news aggregators, and mailing lists.

In the past, I was a full-time core developer of KiCad, an open-source electronics design software suite.

If you donate $10 monthly or more (in any currency), I'll prioritize your issues when possible on GitHub if you send me your account name.

If you donate $25 monthly or more (in any currency), I'll also list you as a sponsor in one of my projects if you send me its name.

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