

We are full-time for-future with a focus on sustainable digitalization.

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We do consulting & education work for sustainable digitalization and support entrepreneurial and civil society activism for transformation. We work for associations, initiatives and small shops that act for sustainable development according to the Pay-What-You-Can principle. We would like to collect donations to be able to offer workshops, seminars at a reasonable price but also to be able to create blog posts and other content.

Often organizations and groups lack just a little bit of methodical, technical and/or social action knowledge to make unpopular tasks and processes more motivating and productive. With the help of creative and participative methods we support not only the work through the organization, but also the work in the organization. We show how harmonious and inspiring the adaptation of something new can be, no matter if this is a new tool, a new method or just a new thought! Through smart collaborations we orchestrate a pragmatic change - holism and diversity make it possible! They bring different perspectives together, and let them complement each other. We want to bring together different actors on the vertical as well as on the horizontal level: In politics as well as in business, in the public as well as in the private sector, on the federal level as well as on the local level, in kindergarten as well as at the workplace - a good life for all, worked out by all.

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