

Rising mental health awareness and education. Growing a support-group-format online communities.

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Hello everyone!

I am currently a psychology student who's been over-impacted and motivated by emotional health issues (mine, but especially those of others).
– working towards raising awareness and education in mental health issues (which are insanely underrated, in my opinion) and psychology.
– helping an online supportive community for people impacted by mental health problems to grow.

My final goal is therefore to reach the most people and to lessen negative impact that mental and emotional problems have on our lives.

My plan

–> writing every day; educating myself even more in the problematics
–> publishing on social media
–> subsequently, interviewing people who are implicated in specific topics; podcasts
–> get my website going
–> finish and self-publish 3 psychology-related books within the next three years

Official start: summer 2022 (I'll keep you updated!)

Information about me
– 22 year old female born in central/eastern Europe, studying in France – studying Psychology, actively writing related articles and working on a book
– besides, educating myself in different fields: neurosciences, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, journalism, foreign languages (I speak 4 actively, 2 passively), literature, education, economy, marketing, politics
– actively interested in functioning of the human mind, talking with people having mental issues/problems in their lives, and try to come to the cause and find solutions for them.
Started to implement my skills in a project that will have even a better impact, on more people.
– INFJ-A (Myers–Briggs Type Indicator)

Why I decided to try my chances on this platform?
– I am trying to save more time for my project. And time is money.
– I cannot count with my parent's (low) income supporting me.
– Being able to invest into the projects (services, servers, …). Nothing's free =)


mental.health 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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