

Civicbase: a survey platform for deploying Qudratic Voting for Survey Research (QVSR)

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Civicbase (https://civicbase.io/) is an online survey platform for deploying Quadratic Voting for Survey Research (QVSR). Civicbase was built with the guidance of Charlotte Cavaille and Daniel L. Chen and in response to the shortcomings of Likert’s scale (https://lawreview.uchicago.edu/publication/decision-theoretic-approach-understanding-survey-response-likert-vs-quadratic-voting) in eliciting true and relative preferences, minimizing polarization and addressing tyranny of the majority outcomes. The platform is robust and built for modern web browsers. Additionally, it allows for the deployment of Likert and Conjoint surveys, includes survey analytics, data export, has an API endpoint. This platform aims to aid researchers in conducting QV surveys at scale, and with an intuitive, delightful user experience.


madelineb 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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