
Love, From a Brown Planet

Safer culture beyond Silicon Valley. Desi, Southeast Asian, Mideast, Afro+, biracial.

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Safer culture beyond Silicon Valley. Desi, Southeast Asian, Mideast, Afro+, biracial.

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You're wondering: "What's this project about?"

All genders, orientations, religions and ethnicities are welcome. :)

Homophobia/transphobia, misogyny/misandry, casteism, and Islamophobia/anti-Semitism are not.

This quote captures it perfectly.

"...when I was a terrified queer kid in Texas, it was the queer joy I found in droplets online that guided me to my happiness.

And if someone like me is out there feeling the weight of being othered, I want them to have a place they can see someone like us thrive and be celebrated."


Here, "someone like us" is broader than a single demographic. The "us" in this project refers to you, a person Othered by:

  • being nonwhite in white-dominated spaces (Mastodon/Fediverse; Twitter and Silicon Valley social media); and/or

  • a nonwhite femme in spaces toxified by Westernised "traditional (cis/het) masculinity"; and/or

  • a nonwhite LGBT femme in such spaces; and/or

  • a physically, differently-abled, and/or neurodivergent femme.

Multiple marginalisation unifies our community.

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Online communities designed by, and for, multiply-marginalised people ensure every person on "the ladder of Others" (see the list above) is safe to express ourselves, without fear of being threatened, harassed, or treated as an unwelcome visitor to be discarded and erased at the earliest opportunity.

Visit every popular social network existing today.

By definition, we are unwelcome in any space created, and inevitably poisoned by, cis/het white males and their "free speech absolutist" friends.

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It's necessary to move beyond the utopian fantasy of communities that begin with token "inclusion" — then wonder how, yet again, cis/het white males dominate and poison the space for everyone else.

Starting from the bottom of the ladder of marginalisation, not the top (cis/het white) ensures that everyone at each higher rung is able to participate and fully enjoy their experience.

This is a simple idea, yet no one has even bothered to try.

So, here we are, and we includes you. Welcome to Love From a Brown Planet. ;)

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