

I make open source games.

0 명이 licktheroom 님께 기부하고 있습니다.


Who I am

I am licktheroom, an aspiring game developer. The main reason I started making games is because there were no games I wanted to play. I thought to myself "well, if someone else won't make it I'll do it myself." And so, I started making games. I started in Roblox Studio for around 3 years before I realized it wasn't that good. I switched to C and started making my own game engine.

What I'll do with your money

Money will be used to fund my games. There is a lot I cannot do myself, such as music creation. I am a programmer, not modeler nor texture artist.

System specs

  • OS : Void Linux
  • CPU : 12600KF
    • Cores : 10
    • Threads : 16
    • Ghz : 5.0
  • RAM : 2x8GB
    • Mhz : 3200
  • GPU : RX 6600




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