
LibertyForward1: An Annoying But Lovable Misfit Toy

Peculiar Ramblings From an Aspiring Wordsmith

libertyforward1 님의 목표는 매주 US$200.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Hello! I'm LibertyForward1, and I'm the admin of my Mastodon instance, https://misfittoys.social. When I'm not obsessively over-posting on the Fediverse (Mastodon is a part of the Fediverse) I write my blog, "Diary of a Misfit Toy", currently at https://doamt.substack.com. My headliner there is "Musings of Mental Illness and Surviving in a Harsh and Discouraging World".

I've struggled pretty much my entire life with mental illness. It's had a profound impact on my journey here on Earth and through social media such as what I mentioned above, I staggeringly overshare because I've spent too much of my life trying to hide in the shadows. I'm tired of hiding who I am, and I want to have a positive impact on the world both immediately around me and all over the globe with the incredible modern technology we have in the twenty-first century. So many of us with mental or physical challenges are so often considered "disposable", or in other words because we struggle to maintain steady, "productive" employment we are deemed unworthy of having shelter, health care, quality of life, etc. I want to inspire and encourage others like myself that even though the world seems so very gray and foreboding - even to myself - that perhaps the small slivers of light within each of us can be gathered together and provide light and hope.

My intention with this liberapay account is to gain sponsors who can.. well, basically who can help me survive as I try to build a writing portfolio and expand my Fediverse presence. If you are reading this and are willing AND able to contribute, my partner (who also struggles with PTSD and mental illness as well as multiple employment-interfering physical health issues) would be incredibly grateful. Every dollar that is contributed is a humbling reminder that there is still good in this world.

As I said in the preceding paragraph, please only donate/contribute if you have the means to do so! The last thing I want is for someone else to struggle financially due to my functional difficulties.

Thank you so much for reading!

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