
Jaime Lewis

The CONSUMED podcast stokes candid conversations with eaters, drinkers, thinkers, and makers.

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Hey CONSUMED listeners! If you've heard the podcast, you know it's a quality product that strengthens the fabric of the Central Coast and beyond. So I want to ask you:

Would you consider supporting me in my quest for quality?

I've chosen to share my conversations with the tastemakers of California's Central Coast because I believe they deserve quality attention. This region is small enough that we can know the people who put food on our plate and drinks in our glass. It's also small enough that you can directly support the engineering, editing, and equipment that make the CONSUMED magic happen.

I've set up this account because supporting CONSUMED helps me to continue producing local, quality content for your commute, walking the dogs, cleaning the fridge, or puttering in the garden.

Your help means a lot to me, and to the thousands of other people who listen to CONSUMED. Thank you for supporting the independence of this small but mighty podcast!



letsgetconsumed 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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