

I write on TV shows from all over the world and television history on ladyteruki.com !

ladyteruki 님의 목표는 매주 €125.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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For about 15 years now, I have been... how do kids call it these days ? Oh yeah : "creating content", right. Well I've been doing that for over a decade now on my own website ladyteruki.com, and before that I used to do it on other people's websites (the late SeriesLive.com, for instance) or another website I had and that you probably don't remember, ladyteruki.free.fr. So I've been doing things for free for a long, long, looooong time. I've been writing on TV shows from all over the world and television history (that's what you mostly know me for, probably)... or on other things I'm passionate about.

I have always refused ad revenues (there are no ads on ladyteruki.com) and sponsored content, but at some point, ethics are one thing, and rent is another. Here's the secret about "creating content" for free : it doesn't pay the bills. And in our heart of hearts we all know that, except none of us really volunteer money if noone is asking for it. Well this is me asking for a (monthly) contribution now, and I hope to have proved, over the years, that I can be worthy of your contribution.


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