
I work over 8 years introducing classical arts and art history.

My 8-year work on introducing classical arts and art history

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Hi All. I've been writing articles in Chinese and English on western classical arts, art history and comparison between eastern and western cultures since 2015, starting from art history of Ukraine and southern Renaissance artworks. I publish my articles via my WeChat Official Account MusicofForest (微信公众号“音乐森林”). Here's one of my English articles "Q&A | The Flaying of Marsyas" (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MzkzMzA5OA==&mid=2652282082&idx=1&sn=c96a3ca80f3e273a9fceb98f94577d3c&chksm=bd6d4ea78a1ac7b1722d2c09b97c522773903705480c3e00bd8a03bc523b3aeaace8c3ce8cb7&token=396924612&lang=zh_CN#rd). All articles can be read on the WeChat Official Account after it's been subscribed. The purpose of my sharing of western arts, art history, cultural comparison between the west and east through artworks and art history, is to enable more people to enjoy arts and get the beauty, and knowledge that arts brings, the mercy and care for human that arts provokes, the understanding between different cultural systems and thus having a better understanding of people different from our own. The mind-opening articles and sharing of beauty in art, this will surely benefit people's heart and mind. I have written all these articles out of my hobby and spent lots of time checking bibliography, literature and documents to ensure as much as I can to get the correct information on the matters that I write. Plus, I write in Chinese and English so that even my non-Chinese readers can read and understand the western artworks as well as the comparison between the Chinese and western arts and art history. I also introduce modern artists around the world such as David Smith from Ireland and Dani from Australia, contacting with them about their art creation, concept and share them with readers. Understanding artists, writing interviews in English and translate them into Chinese for the articles, all these require exact translation efforts and good understanding of arts, which consumed me lots of time and efforts.


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