
Joshua Shreve

Evolution of the Dactyl-Manuform-like Keyboards and other HIDs

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Welcoming donations to support ongoing work, testing, and community requests for Dactyl-Manuform-like split ergo keyboards. While I welcome suggestions and requests to see where interests lie, but I may not be able to accommodate all requests depending on feasibility and complexity. I work to actively support the community and periodic challenges encountered by other enthusiasts.

You can find my repository below:


I also periodically work on voice-overs for work and occasional FOSS projects. I can be heard on the GCompris educational software suite for American English.


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dactyl-keyboard (포크) 435 2개월 전 에 업데이트됨

Dactyl-ManuForm, a parameterized ergonomic keyboard translated into Python including a cadquery / Open CASCADE implementation.


joshreve 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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