
Jamie Cropley

Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons), Programmer and Game Developer. Studying Mathematics.

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I am an Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) graduate, programmer, and founder of Core Box Games. I apply my expertise in Python, C, C++, and C# to develop innovative games based on the MADE principle (Minimal, Abstract, Difficult, and Entertaining). I am continuously honing my skills through part-time Mathematics BSc (Hons) studies at the Open University.

With a strong data analysis and project management background from my tenure at Europcar, I bring adaptability, effective communication, and problem-solving skills to my work. I am passionate about creating engaging gaming experiences and exploring the fascinating world of mathematics.

When I am not coding or studying, I am playing chess, reading, or planning my next travel adventure. Let's connect and discuss all things AI, game development, and mathematics!

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