

Developing open-source tools to make YouTube content management easier

hyperfield 님의 목표는 매주 US$100.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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I’m a developer passionate about creating useful open-source tools, such as YT Channel Downloader. This app enables users to batch-download videos with ease, handle various formats, and maintain their privacy with secure login features. With it, you can selectively or completely download playlists, channels, including age-restricted and premium content via your YouTube account. It is a cross-platform open-source app that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Your donations will help me maintain the infrastructure, dedicate more time to development, and ensure that the project remains free and accessible for everyone. By supporting my work, you’re contributing to the growth of open-source software and making these tools available to a wider community.

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hyperfield 님은 2개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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