

Gogo (aka Soda Lemon): scrittrice. Cosplayer wannabe, bangya on hiatus.

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Hello! I'm Gogo - some people call me Gogy, some other Goghina, and someone else SodaLemon. I am an author: I write poems, short stories, nightmares and dreams, and sometimes Italian haiku. I have a blog, an IG, a YT that I never use, a few other social networks that I neglect... I love music, travel, foreign languages, living abroad, writing, drawing (badly!) and so much more! I am a language tutor for children, teens and adults...and for everyone else! I adore animals, especially dogs and cats! - I am one of those old ladies grumpy at people and melting at furry thingies! :)

I have many projects ongoing: from cosplays to new books... and even a new computer in my wishlist!

Every single help is GREATLY appreciated <3


gogogogy117 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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