
get GNU/Linux!

Get GNU/Linux! is a simple, clear website about GNU/Linux

getgnulinux 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Get GNU/Linux! is a simple, clear website about GNU/Linux. What is GNU/Linux? Why not Windows? Tips to make the switch. With this website we hope to reach people who never heard about free software and barely remotely heard the word "Linux".

As the sole maintainer of www.getgnulinux.org, the costs involved with maintaining this website come from my own pockets.

Hosting is done by TuxFamily.org, and they provide this hosting service for free! But I do donate € 50 every year, so that they can continue to provide this excellent service.

We use Weblate.org as our translation platform, and they too provide this service for free for libre projects. I donate € 20 to this project every year, because their translation platform is amazing.

I also want to make www.getgnulinux.org better. I recently invested in some graphics which I purchased from iStockphoto.com, to make the website more appealing. Graphics are expensive though, especially if you have them custom designed. I would love to have a custom logo designed for the website, but this is simply too expensive for me to cover alone. So getgnulinux.org is currently rocking the HTML5 boilerplate logo.

If you decide to donate, I will use this money to support TuxFamily and Weblate in the form of donations, and you will help me cover the costs for the domain name getgnulinux.org, electricity costs for hosting the community forum, https://community.getgnulinux.org, which I host myself, and the design of custom graphics for the website, starting with a nice unique logo.


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