
Timur Gafarov

Open Source game development tools for dlang

0 명이 gecko0307 님께 기부하고 있습니다.


Hi! My name is Timur Gafarov, I'm an indie game developer from Russia. I'm creating a number of Open Source projects in D language.

dlib - all-in-one general-purpose library, a game developer's swiss army knife. It features game-oriented linear algebra, image processing and IO, audio processing and IO, containers, memory allocators, cross-platform threads and sockets, filesystem abstraction, XML parser, and much more

Dagon - 3D game engine based on OpenGL 4.0 and SDL2, featuring modern deferred renderer with HDR, PBR, post-processing, Blender exporter, real-time asset reloading

Atrium - a first-person game with physics based puzzles that uses dlib and dmech. Once Dagon is ready, Atrium will be ported to it.

That's is not all! Please, visit my GitHub profile to see all the stuff.

I'm creating these in my spare time, so the more support I get, the more time and effort I can spend. I believe that D is an excellent language for game development, and the only barrier that hinders its adoption is the lack of high-quality libraries and frameworks. Let's change this together - help me develop the best game engine for the benefit of entire D community!

All of my projects are licensed under the liberal Boost License that allows you to use their code in closed-source commercial products.

다른 곳의 계정

gecko0307 님은 다른 플랫폼에서 다음 계정을 소유하고 있습니다:


dagon 310 이 주에 업데이트됨

3D game engine for D

electronvolt 111 1주 전 에 업데이트됨

FPS with physics based puzzles

dlib 216 2개월 전 에 업데이트됨

Allocators, I/O streams, math, geometry, image and audio processing for D

dagon-demo 15 3년 전 에 업데이트됨

Test app for Dagon 0.10

dmech 77 3년 전 에 업데이트됨

3D physics engine for D

box 11 8년 전 에 업데이트됨

Simple archive format with UTF-8 filenames


gecko0307 님은 6년 전에 가입했습니다.

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