

For gearheads, by gearheads — a Mastodon instance for those into gear

gearheads.social 님은 3 명으로부터 매주 £1.19 만큼을 받고 있습니다. 목표: £3.00
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Unsure what you stumbled upon? See Gearheads.social ➔ About for details.

Like literally every decent Mastodon host, Gearheads.social is entirely ad-free and relies solely on the (sometimes shallow) pockets of its owners and tips from its lovely users. Although our instance may be small and costs may not be substantial, it would be awesome if it could be entirely self-sustaining, as well as having some buffer for any unforeseen reasons to upgrade the stack keeping the whole thing afloat.

Despite @astra@gearheads.social and @ducky@gearheads.social running an already-existing stack of servers and services, collectively known as zio.sh, the server and services Gearheads.social runs on are kept isolated cost-wise (as much as possible) to make sure you're not potentially donating for things we already pay for (and have done for many years) out of our own pockets.

100% of these funds will go to keeping the instance running and any profits will not be taken for personal gain, but rather set aside for future billing cycles. The goal will fluctuate depending on forecasted monthly costs and is always rounded up to the nearest £.

You will not recieve any benefits from donating, apart from a warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing that you're keeping your favorite Mastodon instance going strong! 😜

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gearheads.social 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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