
flytec IoT

Donation needed for complete End to End IoT platform includes server side, UI, Hardware and Firmware

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Lot of people are finding it difficult to get the right IoT server with the hardware and control it. Its because either the whole thing is proprietary or mostly they have to be custom developed. Individuals and Small Businesses find it very difficult to get things right and end up giving up all the hopes.

My Goal is to provide people as below Server Side 1. Open source IoT Server with UI and web based frontend. 2. Rest APIs for the point no 1 3. Complete device configuration and support at the UI

Device Side 1. Device Electronics Hardware design developed using opensource tools 2. Device Firmware developed using opensource tools 3. Fully tested and validated design 4. Custom Hardware which can work on case to case basis Ex. IOT PLC Hardware for Industry, Hardware for Vehicles

Benefits for the people: 1. Free to implement full end to end system 2. Fully tested software, Hardware and Firmware 3. Detailed Documentation


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