
El Shaddai Centre Berhad

Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives

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Join us in our commitment to providing long-term, sustainable solutions to help and empower refugees, stateless people, and other marginalized and displaced individuals, so they can restore their dignity, honor, health, and hope for a better future wherever they may be.

Our Mission:

Rescue the displaced and marginalized community who are homeless, cheated or in danger of being trafficked and enslaved.

Relieve by providing assistance to the displaced and marginalized community who are suffering, deprived or sick.

Restore the traumatized within the displaced and marginalized community to holistic physical, mental and spiritual health.

Rehabilitate the displaced and marginalized community who are in need of education, livelihood skills, social life and dignity.


elshaddaicentreberhad 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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