

dismail.de 님은 3 명으로부터 매주 €0.69 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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dismail.de is a platform providing free online services based on principles of privacy, security, decentralization and freedom.

  • XMPP - Decentralized instant messaging
  • Email - Free email accounts for your IMAP/SMTP clients or via Webinterface.
  • PrivateBin - Minimalist, open source, encrypted online pastebin/discussion board
  • CryptPad - End-to-end encrypte collaborative office suite
  • NTP - dismail.de servers are part of the NTP Pool project
  • DNS - Free DNS resolver (with ad, malware and tracking filter)
  • Tor - Some of our servers are part of the Tor privacy network
  • yadim - Yet another temporary email service
  • YaCy - A distributed Web Search Engine, based on a peer-to-peer network
  • SearxNG - A metasearch engine, not storing information about its users.
  • ESEL - Email server security list
  • Reticulum - Reticulum Test Node

dismail.de services are free for use, but are not for free. Keeping the servers up and running requires more than simple maintenance and keeping the whole system working is very expensive. Please consider making a donation to cover the costs. Thank you.


dismail.de 님은 6년 전에 가입했습니다.

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