
Dimitris Kardarakos

Creating free software

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I enjoy living in a free world. Luckily, the world of free software is a place that it is worth it to live in and to fight for.

I have been contributing to free software for many years; writing code and documentation, promoting its adoption and make it more accessible to non tech savvy folks.

The primary focus of my work has been to improve the free software ecosystem on mobile devices. The users of mobile devices deserve a hardware, operating systems and applications that respect their digital rights.

I have worked on the following applications (among others):

  • Glossaico, a language learning application (author, maintainer)
  • Kongress, a companion application for conferences (author)
  • Calindori, calendar for Plasma Mobile (author)

and I have contributed to various mobile Linux projects.


dimkard 님은 4년 전에 가입했습니다.

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